The Rules & How to Submit Your Entry

The Decisive Challenge doesn't have many rules but those that it does have must be strictly followed or your entry will not make it into the competition.

You can use any camera, any media and shoot as much or as little as your heart desires. On this weekend you're after one outstanding image that will blow us all away.

  • All photos MUST BE TAKEN ON THE WEEKEND OF June 30th,  July 1st and 2nd.
  • This is not a limited “one lens, one camera” challenge, instead you can use whatever tool best works for you and take as many pictures as you like. Digital, Analogue, Rangefinder, SLR, Holga, iPhone...whatever you like. HCB used the tools that were right for him, and if he was alive today he would do the same I am sure. It’s about the image and capturing the moment, use whatever allows you to do that.
  • You have ALL DAY, ALL THREE DAYS to shoot so you can find the light and conditions that are right for you. It’s the honor system, so an image taken one minute too early or late should not be submitted.
  • For the first time we are allowing color photographs into the competition.
  • Each participant can enter one, and only one, photo. If we do not get enough participation we may expand this to two photos but let’s count on only one.
  • For fair and unbiased judging please do not include anything that tips off who took the shot. No watermarking or copyrights on photos, no naming that gives away who the photographer is.
  • IMPORTANT- Pictures should not be shared anywhere before or during the duration of the contest. Anonymity is important for a nice fair vote later on. Any images that have been found anywhere on the web prior to results being posted will be disqualified.
How to Submit your Entry: (enter here)
  1. Each participant can enter only 1 photo so pick carefully.
  2. No naming conventions, watermarks or other methods can be used that might tip off people as to who the photographer was. This needs to be an anonymous competition for complete judging fairness.
  3. Images can be no larger than 1250 pixels on the longest side and 500K in size
  4. You have until JULY 15th to submit your entries via the "Submit Entry" page on this site. it will be a very simple form.
And that, my friends, is it. I hope you had a great time shooting and we all look forward to seeing some terrific images!

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